West Metro Atlanta Woodard Group is a community for small businesses and accounting professionals looking to network, exchange ideas, make connections and partnerships.
Did you know you can find more data about the businesses located in your community from your local library?
That's right, you can use your library resources to help your clients understand what products and services to sell, markets to venture into, competitors to monitor, and other demographic information for free.
And, you can access many business books, including newly released copies in Kindle form, EPUB form, or audio form to read on the go.
Michael Oden is our featured speaker this month to share all of the wonderful resources your local library has to offer and tell how to find them to help your business.
Michael is an Adult Services Librarian at South Cobb Regional Libaray in Mableton. Michael has experience in teaching computer classes and helping business owners locate data to use in building industry trend analysis.
This meeting is hosted by Kathy Hazelrigs Grosskurth, CEO of Bookkeeping Clean and Simple and Ufuoma Ogaga, CEO of Goshen Bookkeeping & Consulting. Admission is free.